Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I'm totally aware that most people understand the word, IGNORANT, to mean, One who is NOT aware of Something. But I humbly submit here that, the word IGNORANT, has a hidden deeper meaning. I admit that I don't know everything. But I've always been curious about the deeper meaning of words. So let me explain why I suspect there is a hidden deeper meaning of the word, IGNORANT.

I'll like to start with the worldly accepted meaning of IGNORANT, before I reveal what I have discovered. Most understand IGNORANT to mean, Not knowing, Not aware, and even in some cases, DUMB. But isn't the word for these expressions, INNOCENT? I may be Wrong, but I understand INNOCENT to mean, Not aware, knows nothing. For example, a child is generally considered, INNOCENT, because he or she has NOT been informed or experienced much of life yet, to KNOW and understand. In my humble opinion, to call a child, IGNORANT, for not KNOWING much, is a misnomer, and a total show of inexcuseable ACTUAL IGNORance. In my life, I have experienced what I consider to be the factually factual fact of actually actual actuality of true IGNORance. But unfortunately, society has unconsciously mislabeled INNOCENT, as IGNORANT. It is a MISNOMER.

So, what is the secret meaning of IGNORANT? Ideas are free. All we have to do, is examine, test or investigate their validity. Sadly, some people erroneously just IGNORe that important part, without any desire or attempt to research and decide whether that idea was factual, or total trash. Some do acknowledge, privately, that a particular info was true, logically, but they are not ready to verify it, factually, cause it may force them to discard long held beLIEfs, originated from erroneous teachings or traditional myths that were passed on from their parents and Church learders. That scares a lot of folks away from finding out that what they may have previously believed, was totally false. So, in this senario, they IGNORe and keep relying on the erroneously erroneous error they knew to be untrue. Yet, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. It's like, intentionally IGNORing fire ANTs on the floor, right under your feet. What do you think the ANTs will do? Well, IGNORing fire ANTs, right under your feet, equals painful fierce stings. IGNORe+ANT = IGNORANT. Just joking here, but still revealing the essence or the secret meaning of the word, IGNORANT. Using humor here, so that even painful Truth can be swallowed. So, whats the TRUTH? In other words, what is THE SECRET MEANING OF IGNORANT, that I have discovered? I have revealled it in part, in the paragraph above. But if that wasn't clear enough, please, look closer at the word, IGNORANT. You will notice that it contains the verb, IGNORe. Remember? What happens when you IGNORe fire ANTs? IGNORe+ANT? Now, what about that last three letters, ANT? We are all aware that whenever somebody goes to APPLY for a job, that person becomes An APPLiCANT. APPLICation+ANT. When one ASSISTS, he or she is an ASSISTANT, which is, ASSIST+ANT. Now, what about IGNORANT? IGNORe+ANT? According to what I've discovered, An IGNORANT, is the one who IGNORES FACTUAL information. In other words, an IGNORANT, is like the person who IGNORes the presence of fire ANTs, and experience their fierce stinging. Not the one who knows NOTHING. (Innocent). Dont be afraid of any informative information that can possibly inform your uninformed state of mind, because, IGNORing an unfamiliar information, is an absolutely absolute recipe for an unmitigatedly unmitigated IGNORANCE, on your part. Please, Don't place any CEILING on the Circumference of your awareness. After all, the sky, as we know it, doesn't even come close to being the limit. So, please, Open Your Mind. Thanks for reading.


  1. Burnetts, as you may have noticed, I took your criticism as an opportunity to upgrade this post. I've added more insights. Please, read again and comment. I appreciate you. Thanks for your constructive positive criticism.

  2. woow! cool stuff ryt der man! iLike dat. kep it up
