Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Secret Meaning Of "ATONEMENT"

The first time I heard the word ATONEMENT was when a SUNday school Pastor was preaching about the dogma of Salvation. He preached about how Israel (ISis-RAh-ELohim) used atonement to atone for their sins against their God, Yahweh, and how Jesus represented the lamb, executed for our Salvation. I was obviously young, therefore naively naive with worst of all naivete, that I unfortunately beLIEved in his EXOTERIC (Literal or Face Value) meaning of ATONEMENT. But after having matured, with the KNOWledge of mySELF, and always on the QUEST as a QUEST to QUESTion any QUESTionably QUESTionable untested INFORMATION with QUESTions, by using my own INTUITION (IN-TU-IT-acTION) to filter it, and thoroughly researched to confirm its validity validly, I've had a head-on collision with the TRUTH. I became aware that I was not aware of my previously erroneously misunderstood awareness of the meaning of ATONEMENT. It all came together, after I discovered a quotation withIN the Bible itSELF. Please, read Galatians 4:24 and you will KNOW that the writers of the Book KNEW it was NOT to be understood literally, Because the Book contained ALLEGORICAL stories, written with EXOTERIC scheme to hide its ESOTERICAL Spiritual Truth about the Nature of NATURE, from the mASSES. Galatians 4:24 revealed that, even the ABRAHAMIC story in the OLD Testament, was an ALLEGORY. Therefore, it was NOT meant to be taken Literally or at face value. And since that one was an ALLEGORY, the rest of the stories that always depended on it to prove them as literally factual are also ALLEGORIES.

Most people understand the word, ATONEMENT, as a form of REPENTANCE, by which a sinner supposedly will do something for a God who supposedly NEEDS NOTHING, in order to Atone for his sins. This is a total CONtrADICTION. The Pastors that are teaching the Religiously accepted meaning of ATONEMENT are SINcere in their efforts, but SINcerely wrong, SINcerely. Because the DOGma it's based on, is just a DOGmatically DOGmatic DOGma, The Church CONcocted as a built in defense mechanism of PSYCHOlogical scheme used to scare their CONgregations, in order to create and maintain MENtally dominated PSYCHOsis for their CONgregations, and eventually pick their pockets, on every SUNday, automatically. I'm sorry to reveal this to you in such a blunt way, but somebody had to do it. As a matter of fact, the truth of the matter that matters most, is that, you have been deceived. Because, RELIGION, is BUSINESS. The Product being sold to you is JESUS. You, and the CONgregations, are the CUSTOMERS. And the PROFITEERS, are the PASTORS. Never forget that. The PASTORS are NOT interested in saving your soul, as they've successfully CONvinced you to beLIEve. It's a total LIE. Because your SOUL, or CONSCIOUS ENERGY, which is scientifically factually indestructible as the ONE SONG (UNI-VERSE) you are naturally a part of, IS a part of what IS. IT was NEVER lost, cause it has no beginning, and no end. Because even in the Bible, it states that, YOU became a LIVING SOUL, after God placed HIS SPIRIT into YOU. So, how can you EVER loose the SPIRIT of a God who is ETERNALLY EXISTING as an EXISTENCE that EXIST withIN a timelessly timeless timelessness, that's timelessly timeless, withIN what I call, the CONTINUUM NOWNESS EXISTENCE?  It's a total fallacy with the scale of gigantically gigantic monstrous proportion.

So, let's start breaking down the word, ATONEMENT. What is the meaning of ATONEMENT? In other words, what's the essential essence of ATONEMENT?  ATONEMENT has three words hidden in it. They are, AT, ONE, and MENT. Each of these words comes from different words that I will be using to reveal its secret meaning. Please LOOK closely AT the first two letters of ATonement. You'll notice that it starts with, 'A' which is the FIRST letter of the English Alphabets (Alpha-BETa-Scribing).  The second letter, which is T, added to the letter A, gives us, AT. The word AT, denotes a POSITIONing, in a MOMENTum. And in this case, it has the FIRST LETTER of the Alphabets in front of it. AT, is a timeless moMENTous moMENT. What's next, is the letter, "O". And as you can clearly see, the letter "O" has no starting point. It represents Infinite Timelessness of EVERYTHING that exists. It also represents the "ONE" UNIVERSAL SOUND, OUM. That's why in the word, ATONEMENT, "O" is followed by N and E, which forms the word, ONE, from the word ONEness in A-TONE (SOUND). The following four letters, MENT, comes from the word, MENTality. Therefore, we are now closer of understanding the depth of the word, ATONEMENT. A-TONE-MENT, reveals, A SOUND MENTality. But that's just one understanding of it. but what AT-ONE-MENT truly means, is to be ATtentive of things or ideas regarding ONEness MENTality. So, The Secret Meaning of ATONEMENT, is simply, to be AT ONE MENTality with the ALL (Timeless AWARENESS of The COSMIC UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUS ENERGY). It means, to be AT ONE MENTality with THAT which EXISTS. (What IS, IS). ATONEMENT = AT ONEness MENTality with WHAT IS, IS. The best way of doing that starts from KNOWing yourSELF through a quest to study, learn from your experiences and become who you truly are, by INTUITION. (IN-TU-IT-acTION). Because all the hidden answers exists withIN yourSELF. NOT from your PASTor who likes to repeat the PASt sTORies of Ancient momentous moments, without revealing to you, that those STORIES are simply exactly THAT. STORIES! And they were not meant, to be taken literally cause they were purposely written to fool the mASSES, while being used by the ENLIGHTENED ones to DECIPHER it's ESOTERIC meanings to Prosper over the SPIRITUALLY UNCONSCIOUS. (The Walking Dead) (The Sleep Walkers). (Alive, but NOT living) In other words, they are NOT aware that they are NOT aware of the AWARENESS, which is the essential essence of their EXISTENCE. But, esoterically, it contains hidden secrets about the natural nature of the nature of NATURE. YOU can DECIPHER the secrets, if you have EYES to SEE, while AT ONE MENtality withIN yourSELF and the UNIVERSE. UNI = ONE, VERSE =SONG. The ONE "OUM"(sOUnd-Mind) OUM = One Universal Music. Thats why mU+sIc, U and I, mU+siC,  U and C, Universal Communication of ONEness MENTality. ATONEMENT = AT ONE MENTality with "THE ALL". (What you call, God)

As usual, It's now time for The ACRONYM OF THE MONTH. This ACRONYM fits exactly what we were talking about, regarding, ATONEMENT. So, the ACRONYM OF THE MONTH is  the word, ONE.  ONE = Our Natural Existence. THANKS for reading.
TheAcronymMaker on Twitter ( @TheAcronymMaker )